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  • Kuantan Bridal Photography Services ...

    关丹 影棚 室内 室外拍摄 ​关丹一站式婚庆服务 Famous Bridal , 关丹婚纱照摄影,录影,化妆发型等等。为准备结婚大囍事的新人们 提供 婚庆必须品。我们的服务包含了 婚纱相簿,相框(床头照,娘家照),姐妹照4R谢卡,新娘手花,新郎胸花,花车设计,婚纱礼服租借,大衣出租 等等 ... 不仅如此,我们也提供 商业摄影服务。 录影 我热衷于公司晚宴活动录像、企业视频制作、多摄像机现场直播和流媒体至在线平台如YouTube、音乐MV、中式、印度式和马来式婚礼摄影。我们的基地位于马来西亚彭亨关丹 摄影 实际一天的婚礼,ROM,求婚,婚礼前,活动和派对,学校车队或集体照片,班级照片,工厂和公司照片。使用我们的室内真实装饰,您可以拍摄家庭、convo、怀孕、孩子、新生儿、肖像、产品、食物、护照工作室照片。 新娘化妆发型 随着著名韩国新娘化妆和发型风格的流行趋势,我专注于使用气喷妆容技术,结合最新的发饰,打造简约优雅的婚礼造型。 婚纱晚装 我们在关丹提供婚纱租赁服务,包括白色婚纱、晚宴礼服、中式服装和其他适合婚礼实际日典礼、晚宴、结婚注册仪式和主题活动的服饰。 一站式 婚庆配套 更加节省 优惠 , 不要错失结婚旺日 , 赶快预定 !! 光临 Outdoor Jungle prewedding Unique and adventurous pre-wedding photoshoot, Kuantan's natural outdoor jungle is the perfect destination. The natural forest in Kuantan provides a stunning backdrop for a pre-wedding photoshoot, especially during sunset when the sky is painted with a beautiful palette of warm colors. The jungle is a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of the city and offers a tranquil and serene environment for your photoshoot. The lush greenery and natural elements of the jungle create a sense of magic Kuantan prewedding top bridal studio Kuantan prewedding top bridal studio Malaysia Beach Prewedding photo album Kemasik is beautiful coastal cities located in the eastern region of Malaysia. These cities offer picturesque locations for couples to capture their prewedding photos, especially along the stunning beaches. With the sandy beaches and crystal clear waters, these locations provide a perfect backdrop for couples looking for a romantic and intimate prewedding photoshoot. The sea breeze, sound of waves and beautiful sunset make the shoot even more special. Outdoor Jungle prewedding Unique and adventurous pre-wedding photoshoot, Kuantan's natural outdoor jungle is the perfect destination. The natural forest in Kuantan provides a stunning backdrop for a pre-wedding photoshoot, especially during sunset when the sky is painted with a beautiful palette of warm colors. The jungle is a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of the city and offers a tranquil and serene environment for your photoshoot. The lush greenery and natural elements of the jungle create a sense of magic 1/11 婚纱 摄影 室内影棚 主题拍摄 外景 外地婚纱取景 Famous Bridal 关丹婚纱店提供专业的婚纱摄影、摄像、化妆服务,我们还提供婚纱相册、照片打印、相框制作、婚礼花束、汽车装饰、礼服租赁、西服等... 恭喜 上 你的 大日子 你好

  • Kuantan Prewedding Photo Package

    2022 年 婚纱照 摄影 配套 请注意,我们的配套可能会在没有事先通知的情况下更新。最新的配套只有在收到定金后才能确认。 最后更新 : 2023 年 4 月 19 日 Prewedding RM 2999 - 2 shooting Gown & coat - 1 Casual concept shoot (self prepare) Prewedding RM 3688 - 3 shooting Gown & coat - 1 Casual concept shoot (self prepare) - Can shoot Night view Prewedding RM 4888 - 3 shooting Gown & coat - 1 Casual concept shoot (self prepare) - Can shoot Night view . Prewedding RM 800 - 1 shooting Gown & coat Prewedding RM 1500 - 1 shooting Gown & coat Prewedding RM 2388 - 2 shooting Gown & coat 联系我们

  • CNY 2021 FAMILY PHOTO | 新年全家福

    Kuantan Chinese New Year 2023 Kids and baby photo studio shooting Kuantan Chinese New Year 2023 Family Photo Shooting Kuantan Chinese New Year 2023 Family Photo Shooting. 21 & 22 JAN 2023 RM 888 (10pax以上) - 20 x 30 T&F 1 pcs - 12 x 18 T&F 1 pcs - 8R 桌面框架 - 5R 桌架 - 10 个姿势编辑 softcopy RM 1688 (10pax以上) - 24 x 36 T&F 1 pcs - 12 x 18 T&F 5 pcs - 8R 桌架 - 10 个姿势编辑软拷贝 - FOC 所有软拷贝 . 单张照片套餐: 18x24 -- RM 300 1 姿势 20x30 -- RM 420 1 姿势 单张照片后, 额外费用为: ​ 11x14 - RM 130 12x18 - RM 150 18x24 - RM 200 20x30 - RM 250 20x36 - RM 350 24x36 - RM 400 RM 688(10个人以内) - 18x24 1 个 - 11x14 1个 - 5R桌架 3个 - 5 个姿势编辑 softcopy 预订:Whatapp 019-938 8238 (HING) 019-980 8891 (THEENG) * 套餐适用日期: 4-9 FEB 2022 仅 * 额外编辑照片 RM 50 / 姿势。 * 50% 定金,拍摄日期全额付款。 * 包1688、888、688 拍摄不超过1小时 * 预订时间将被修复,请准时(非常感谢) 仅限工作室 户外 / 工作室

  • Kuantan Prewedding Photo Package

    2023 年 婚纱照 摄影 配套 请注意,我们的配套可能会在没有事先通知的情况下更新。最新的配套只有在收到定金后才能确认。 最后更新 : 2023 年 4 月 19 日 Prewedding RM 800 Very good for marriage registrations purpose. - 1 Gown and coat for indoor photo shoot - Makeup and hair do for bride & groom - 3 poses edited softcopy - 3 pcs 4R Photo - 1 pcs 18x24 Frame T&C : * Additional poses RM 30/pose Payment step: * Deposit RM 500 * Shooting day Full payment why Prewedding RM 1500 I need simple .. and i don't have wedding actual day ceremony. - 1 Gown and coat for INDOOR photo shoot - Makeup and hair do for bride & groom - 20 poses edited softcopy - 1 pcs 18x24 inch Frame - 2 pcs 8x12 inch Frame - 1 pcs 8x12 inch album 10 pgs T&C : * Additional poses RM 30/pose Payment step: * Deposit RM 800 * Shooting day Full payment why Prewedding RM 2388 Very cost saving pre-wedding package. - 2 Gown and coat for IN + OUT photo shoot - Makeup and hair do for bride & groom - 20 poses edited softcopy. - 1 pcs 8x12 inch album (10pgs) - 1 pcs 20x30 inch Frame - 2 pcs 11x14 inch Frame - 1 pcs Album Beg ​ - Wedding Photo Slideshow .mp4 - 50 pcs 4R Photo. - Selected softcopy sent link for download ​ Wedding Day Item - 2 Gown and coat for wedding actual day. - Car Decoration - Bouquet and corsage. ​ T&C : * Outdoor location Town area Only !! * No changes on photo slideshow * Additional poses RM 30/pose * Actual day gown and accessories Security Deposit will be collected (Cash Only) depend on selected gown/item value. Payment step: * Deposit RM 800 * Shooting day Full payment why Prewedding RM 2888 Package details Prewedding RM 3688 Package details Prewedding RM 4388 Package details 联系我们

  • Kuantan Prewedding Photo Package

    婚礼当天摄影师 在华人传统婚礼上,拍摄结婚当天的照片和视频是至关重要的。这些美好的回忆可以被永久保留下来,让人们可以随时回忆起婚礼的美好瞬间。我们是一家在关丹地区专门从事新人婚礼拍摄的公司。我们将为您提供高质量的摄影和录像服务,以捕捉您宝贵的结婚瞬间。让我们一起记录下您特别的日子,并留下美好的回忆。 婚礼当天的早上仪式和晚宴 大师级 摄影 早上我们将在新娘的地点安排一位摄影师拍摄化妆过程,同时在新郎的地点安排另一位摄影师拍摄新郎准备过程。继续的,我们会拍摄姐妹团游戏、敬茶仪式、团体照和户外拍摄。 早上的拍摄最晚会在下午1点结束。接下来我们会准备当天剪辑的幻灯片,需要4小时的编辑时间,在晚宴期间播放。 晚宴时,我们会在大约6:30到达现场,拍摄场地布置、宾客到场、新人入场、晚宴即兴拍摄、切蛋糕、祝酒、或第二次入场和敬酒等环节,以及桌上敬酒互动。最后,我们会拍摄宾客离开的场面,并在晚上10:30左右结束服务。 所有照片都会经过检查,并提供下载链接。 交付时间为2至6周,具体取决于当月的安排。 两名专业摄影师(全天) 标准摄影 一名专业摄影师(全天) 婚礼当天的早上仪式和晚宴 不同的是,摄影师将从新娘的化妆环节开始,然后在新郎离开家之前的30分钟过去拍摄准备过程。然后我们将记录活动的其余部分,直到下午1点结束。 查询日期 Whatapp 联系 : +6 019-938 8238 (HING) 照片幻灯片示范(SDE) 照片作品分享 婚礼短片(视频) 一位专业摄像师 婚礼当天的早晨仪式和晚宴拍摄 我们提供一个短视频, 捕捉您婚礼日最特别和快乐的时刻。 视频通常为3-6分钟长, 被编辑为在晚宴期间播放。 相信我们捕捉您大日子的精髓, 制作出一个让您终生珍藏的视频。 联系我们

  • 相簿 皮 | Famous Bridal

    选择 专辑 皮肤 高清文件下载 Album Skin Selection 請注意,在生產期間,相簿皮可能不可用或缺貨。我們將要求您再次選擇。

  • Famous Bridal Online Store

    婚前套餐定制 使用此选项来获取您婚前需求的报价。 Customize your prewedding Package Now Customize your prewedding Package Now Display prices in: MYR

  • 女性私房照 - 关丹摄影师

    > 作品分享 > 女性私房照 > 女性私房照 摄影 捕捉女性的性感和亲密形象。在这种摄影中,女性穿着内衣或其他暴露的服装,通常在卧室或其他亲密的场景中摆姿势。许多女性选择拍摄性感照片的原因各不相同,包括为了庆祝自己的身体、感觉充满力量和自信,或者作为送给恋人的礼物。 女性私房照 摄影在近年来变得越来越流行,这并不令人惊讶。这是一种拍摄女性亲密和感性时刻的摄影类型,展现女性的美丽和女性特有的柔美。许多女性选择拍摄私房照,原因各不相同,可能是为了赠送给伴侣,庆祝里程碑或成就,或者仅仅为了自信和赋权感。 在我们的摄影工作室,我们提供专业的女性私房照服务,满足每位女性的需求和喜好。我们的摄影师和化妆师团队将与您合作,创造一个个性化和舒适的拍摄体验,让您感到自信、性感和赋权。 女性选择拍摄私房照的原因之一是为了庆祝她们的美丽和女性特有的柔美。许多女性常常与自我形象斗争,拍摄私房照可以帮助提高自信和自尊。这是女性以不同的方式看待自己的机会,以自己的美丽和性感为荣,并因此感到自豪和赋权。 女性选择拍摄私房照的另一个原因是为了赠送给伴侣。这是一份独特而亲密的礼物,可以展示你对你的伴侣的爱和感激之情。它也是激发你们之间的感情、带来激情和热情的绝佳方式。 女性私房照摄影不仅仅是拍摄女性穿着内衣或暴露装的照片。它是关于捕捉女性特有的柔美的本质,展示女性的自然美丽和性感。我们的摄影师和化妆师团队将与您合作,创造一个个性化和优雅的拍摄,让您感到自信和赋权。 总之,拍摄私房照是一种独特而赋权的体验,每个女性都应该考虑一下。它是庆祝你的美丽和女性特有的柔美、提高你的自信和自尊,以及为你的伴侣创造独特而亲密的礼物的机会。在我们的摄影工作室,我们提供专业的女性私房照摄影服务,让您感到舒适、自信和美丽。 我们提供室内和室外艺术情趣写真拍摄服务,以满足不同女性的需求和偏好。对于那些喜欢隐私和舒适的女性,我们的工作室提供舒适而亲密的环境,为完美的艺术情趣写真创造条件。我们的专业摄影师和化妆师将与您合作,创造出一个定制的、高品质的艺术情趣写真,展示您的自然美丽和魅力。 对于那些喜欢冒险和浪漫的女性,我们还提供在关丹周边美丽的海滩地区拍摄艺术情趣写真的服务。这些海滩地点提供了令人惊叹的自然背景,创造出一个梦幻般、浪漫的氛围,适合拍摄艺术情趣写真。我们的摄影师有经验在这些海滩地点拍摄,我们保证捕捉到您的艺术情趣写真中最美丽和感性的时刻。

  • 少女照 姐妹婚纱照

    > 作品分享 > 圣诞节 主题 > 关丹 少女照 摄影 关丹刚出生的婴儿照片拍摄。

  • Family or Convocation Studio Photography

    儿童摄影配套 v.1808 2 023 配套 RM 600 一岁宝宝最受欢迎的拍照套餐 - 1 个 12x18 寸相框 - 2 个 5R 座面相框 - 25 张精修照片 - 3 自备拍摄服装 - 与父母参与拍摄 - 室内摄影 配套 RM 988 这个套餐以家庭照片为主打,特别注重拍摄孩子的画面,并可拥有相簿专辑。 - 1 个 18x24 寸相框 - 2 个 5R 座面相框 - 1 本 8x12 寸相簿 10 页 - 30 张精修照片 - 3 套自备拍摄服装 - 与父母参与拍摄 - 室内摄影 * 赠送 1 位 化妆与发型 * 赠送 1 件婚纱/晚装 给与 ​室内 拍摄用途 附加 : 而外 照片 + RM 30 一张 ​ 附加孩子 + RM 100​ 一位 . 室外拍摄 (关丹市区) + RM 100 kid's first birthday shoot popular photography session that parents often schedule to capture memorable moments of their child's first birthday celebration. During the session, the photographer will typically take a series of posed and candid shots of the child, family members, and friends in attendance. The photo shoot can be done in a studio or outdoor setting, depending on the preference of the parents. The photographer will often work with the parents to come up with a theme or concept for the shoot, which can include decorations, props, and outfits for the child and family members. First birthday shoots are a great way to document the milestone of the child's first year and create lasting memories for the family. The photos can be used for invitations, thank you cards, and displayed in the home as a keepsake Kid studio photo sessions involves capturing beautiful and timeless images of children in a controlled studio environment. The sessions are typically designed to showcase the child's personality, expressions, and unique features, and can include both posed and candid shots. During the photo session, the photographer will work with the child and their parents to create a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere, which can help to bring out the child's natural personality and expressions. The studio setup may include a variety of backdrops, props, and lighting setups, which can be customized to suit the specific needs and preferences of the parents. Kid studio photo sessions are a great way to create stunning and professional images that can be used for a variety of purposes, such as family portraits, wall art, and even commercial advertising. They are particularly popular for capturing important milestones such as birthdays, holidays, and graduations. Family photo sessions popular type of photography that involves capturing beautiful and memorable images of families with young children. The sessions are typically designed to capture natural and spontaneous moments of the family interacting and having fun together, and can include both posed and candid shots. During the photo session, the photographer will work with the family to create a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, which can help to bring out the natural expressions and personalities of the children. The session can be done in a studio or outdoor setting, depending on the preference of the family, and may include a variety of backdrops, props, and lighting setups. Family photo sessions with kids are a great way to create lasting memories that can be cherished for years to come. The photos can be used for a variety of purposes, such as holiday cards, family albums, and even commercial advertising. Smash cake photo shoot A smash cake photo shoot is a popular photography session for young children, typically done for their first birthday. During the session, the child is presented with a small cake that they can smash, eat, and play with while the photographer captures their reactions and expressions. The cake is usually decorated with bright colors and fun designs, and the photo shoot can be done in a studio or outdoor setting, depending on the preference of the parents. The photographer will typically take a series of photos during the session, capturing both posed and candid shots of the child and the cake. Smash cake photo shoots have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they provide a fun and memorable way to celebrate a child's first birthday. They also make for adorable photos that can be shared with family and friends, and even used for invitations and thank you cards

  • Birthday Party Photographer

    > 作品分享 > 生日派对 > 生日派对 常见的生日派对,宝宝满月,一岁生日,21 岁生日,80岁寿宴 等. 我们提供摄影录影 相框 相簿制作等。 ​如果您需要 场地布置,气球布置,生日蛋糕等等, 我们也可以提供意见 From candid moments to posed shots, we have the skills and expertise to make sure that every aspect of your party is documented in beautiful detail. Our goal is to create a stunning photo album that will become a cherished keepsake for you and your loved ones for years to come. So if you're planning a birthday party and want to make sure that every moment is captured perfectly, contact us today to schedule a photography session. Let us help you create memories that will last a lifetime. 生日派对 摄影配套 价钱 您已经发出了邀请,计划好了派对包并决定了生日蛋糕! 但是照片呢?是时候预订儿童派对摄影师了吗? 我们让专业摄影价格实惠... 派对 |家庭 |儿童 |仪式 |生日派对 |全家福 |儿童/婴儿肖像 |毕业照 |周年派对 |家庭聚会 |仪式例如。桑吉特,庞努鲁库 |

  • Wedding All in One Package (Best Offer)

    婚纱照 + 出门当天 (全套) 配套包括 : ​ - 婚纱摄影 ( 附送全部相低 ) 包括出门婚纱,晚装与大衣 花车 手花与胸花 ​ - 全家福摄影与 2 张 12x16 KF 韩式相框 - 出门当天 新娘化妆 早晚 - 出门当天 摄影 (全天, 包括晚宴播放的 早上过程 照片 .mp4) - 出门当天 录影 * ​ 只需 RM 5888

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